Proudly Serving The Atlanta Metro Area For Over 20 Years

2nd Chance & 'Flexible' Apartment List
Having Trouble Finding An Apartment That Will Approve You?
Finding an apartment with issues like poor credit, previous evictions, and bankruptcies, etc., can be a difficult task. Potential renters with these types of problems will require more legwork, research, money, and time to find a place. Our list may help with these issues.
Although we have helped 1000's of people over the last 11+ years since we started this non-profit service, unfortunately, we can't help everybody. Please read all the information to see if we can help. We also have an inquiry page where you can ask us questions along with information that tells you who will benefit the most.
Featured Apartments On The List
Below are a few examples of the 200+ properties on our second chance & 'flexible requirements' apartment list

➢No credit score minimum required
➢Evictions accepted - must be 3 yrs old
➢BKs must be 7 yrs old - case-by-case
➢Felonies & misdemeanors - case-by-case
➢Rental debt must be paid

➢No credit score minimum required
➢Evictions accepted - must be 4 yrs old
➢Rental debts must be paid
➢BKs must be discharged & 5 yrs old
➢No felonies. Misdemeanors ok

➢Credit score minimum 550
➢No evictions accepted
➢BKs must be discharged & 3 yrs old
➢No Felonies in 7 yrs. Misdemeanors ok
➢No rental debt accepted
To View More Apartments On The List, Click Here

We have taken the guesswork and difficulty out of finding 2nd chance & 'flexible' requirements apartments. Our staff has done all of the exhaustive and time-consuming legwork for you. We have personally called each property to find out the rental requirements of each apartment community on our list. We also update our list on a regular basis.

Our 2nd Chance & 'Flexible' Apartment List Has Over 200+ Communities!
Only $39.95

$10.00 Off
Get The List Now For Only
To Order Our Second Chance & 'Flexible' Apartment List, Click Here
Additionally, you will receive our complimentary list of little-known consumer reporting agencies. Apart from credit reports, there are other consumer reports with information about you. It is essential to review these reports, which you can obtain for FREE, opt-out from, and dispute if needed. Examples include tenant and insurance screening companies, among others!
Got Questions? We Got Answers!
NOTE: Please read all the information about our list first, before contacting us. The most common questions we get calls & emails about are already answered here on our website. If you want to know if the list will be helpful, use the contact link below.